You simply can not play to your maximum every time you think about the mechanics of your swing. Period. Every time you are ready to hit your shot and think about all the golf techniques that you learned, you become all confused. The downswing average speed is less then 2 seconds, and the only way your will learn is if you play naturally.
We are programmed to play with our faults and fixes and try to remember all steps before even placing our golf ball on the tee. We don't have to analyze the aspect of the swing. Of course, for beginners, I suggest taking at least one course to learn the basics but not 20, unless you want to become a professional. Remember on my previous article on, that average golfers plays less then 10 games per year. All they want is to have fun in the fairway.
I have lots of respect for professionals' golfer. However they live with golf lessons. They simply can not teach you every aspects of golf which they took 20-30 years to learn as they would simply blow your head off. A little secret I learn myself is to practice 3 times per week on a driving range for every game that you will play. It is important also how to practice on a range using the proper clubs in sequence. Never start with your driver, how many times do we see that$%: Use short irons first and do not simply hit with eyes close. Try hitting a target and if there is none, use the distance pole, don't worry, you're not gonna break it, you have to touch it first, and this is where you will see the difference between professionals and amateurs.
Have a nice golf game and remember, relax.